Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tips for applicants using the Free Charity Cars Site

DO as many of the things you can to gain extra votes and karma as you set up your profile and get things started. POST your story of why you need to get a car, and what has kept you unable to get one on your own. UPLOAD PICTURES- the first ten get you ten extra votes. Once you have your first 100 votes, turn your APPLICATION in, which will also get you five extra votes. PROMOTE Free Charity Cars on your social networks. If you add their link,you'll get a few extra points when people click on them and view your profile. You can also promote in other ways, such as making fliers and passing them out, and writing an email to your friends and asking them to join. MAKE A VIDEO if you can, and you'll get an extra 25 points when you upload it.

VOTE for other applicants. This increases your Karma, helps them out, and is likely to encourage them to read your story and vote for you. You can vote for as many people as you want once a day, so there's no reason not to make a bunch of new friends.


Once you start to have a long list of friends, you'll find voting for all of them daily may take some time. If you have a good internet connection, you can "speed vote". You open your friends page, right click on a users name, and hit "open in new tab". Keep going down the list and right clicking on your friends, opening their profiles in new tabs. Try it with five at first to get the hang of it, and once you do you may be able to do up to 20 at once. It will turn potentially hours of voting into much less time!

Join me at Free Charity Cars!

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