One obvious factor is how many cars in a given area become available vs how many applicants. When more cars are donated in a particular area, more may be available. Free Charity Cars encourages the applicants, and anyone else who sees the worthiness of the cause, to promote the charity. I know, in this part of the beginning of the internet age, we're all probably getting sick of anything that sounds like "promote my site" , " donate to this cause" , join this, click that, and have some spam for lunch. However- this one actually IS worth the time.
I'm sure I'm not the first member involved with FCC to think of this, but since I'm up in Seattle... if any of the other applicants in this geographical area are interested in working on a project together to promote FCC, I'd be very interested in trying to arrange some kind of get together to talk about it. Obviously, all of us have transportation issues... but some of the bus routes in this city run very well...and we could meet up at a place along one of the major lines.
If anyone is interested, please send me a message. And if you're one of the Seattle and Washington folks who are applying, feel free to leave your story in the comments on this post. If I come up with a flier about FCC I'll list this blog as well--- and potential donors may run across out collective set of pleas for assistance in this really screwed up economic climate. Realizing that it's their neighbors in a community they are donating their used vehicles, time or money to may help others see why it would be such an amazing help in someone's lives.
Users from other area's are also welcome to post their stories and user names in the comments on this post. For once, it makes total sense to pass the word on, it could benefit a lot of people in life altering ways.

Hey! great to see this. I would like to know how i can also participate and become one of the recipient of these cars. I will be very grateful for your response.
Kikonyogo Robert
I just recently obtained my licence and have been traveling to and from work on my bicycle, although the days just keep getting colder. I have been looking for a car but don't have a dep yet. i am trying to get off my feet but do to our economic state min wage, its been a bumpy ride. I'm in need of something to help me get from point a to point b :) you
Jeremy pizano
Po box 536 sunnyside, wa 98944
Correction po box 532, sunnyside, wa 98944
DeleteI am in need in Seattle area staying in renton for now I got in an accident back in June and now have no transportation for myself besides bus have valid license and in need of a vehicle email
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ReplyDeleteHi I am a single mother of 5. We are homeless and live from family to friends houses on a month to month basis. We lost our car in January of this year 2013 and since then have been on busses. I'm about to start working again but its hard to get two babies to daycare early in the morning and late at night. My other 3 children are old enough that they can manage being out on busses but the babies have been sick everytime we are out for more then an hour. I also have cervical cancer and have had to miss many treatment appointments when I don't have any transportation because the Dr won't let me leave on the bus afterwards and I can't stay without anyone watching my kids. If anyone can help me with a car it will change our lives and we will be grateful. Please email me back at
ReplyDeleteGod bless
Hey my names Eliza. My car got recenty stolen while I was in walmart last night. My money and everything was in the car. I was between places so my belongings traveled with me in my jetta. I need a car so bad I will do anything. Only problem is I now have nothing and nothing to offer.. if you know anybody who has a big car that runs... that there willing to donate to me. Or even make a payment plan? Once I have a car I can work again. Please help me someone.
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ReplyDeletehello my name is Miranda, i am reaching out in hope to get assistance in getting a car for my low income family, my family just got in to a housing shelter i have two daughter ages 2yrs old an 7month, i have been looking for a car to help me get to school to further my education an to look for work as well get to medical appointments i have a leg discrepancy due to cancer, an the discrepancy makes it hard to walk,or stand for short amounts of time. i am desperately seeking help to make a better life for my kids an I, an i feel that if i get help in getting a car would make that change, giving me transportation to get to school,an work,an well my doctors to see about getting better medical help for my condition. if any one is reading an knows some one that can help an we could even set up a payment plan i will be willing to trade swords,shields an axes from Toledo Spain i have lost of baby items girl clothes,swing, eddie bauer high chair all dark wood an eddie bauer double stroller, single strollers, baby monitor, bumbo seat, baby gate,expensive floor steamer, chargeable vacuum(cordless) , or services such as house cleaning/office cleaning ,babysitting,pet watching,dog walking for the car i dont have much like i just said i just got in to a shelter what i have are lil things. i would be sooo thankful for such a blessing, this request for help is not a lie, I would love to speak with anyone that can help you can even speak with my case worker so u just know the situation is not a lie.
ReplyDeletei can be reached at
Hello , I have a very crazy but inspirational story ...Listen I am from Pittsburgh and like a lot of 70s children I grew up in a drugged haze, still maintaining . I went to college wound up living like a gypsy all over country had 2 kids but still ran....well I am 57 been clean for a few years but my journey is being kicked down being used hating myself ..wanting to kill myself, an aura of self loathing..... I have stories of living in drug houses, prostituting, being a mule, robbing, living in hotels, sleeping on urine stained mattresses and one time I crawled into an office building and slept on the floor of a office building storage closet. I hace a beautiful 27 year old daughter who has moved past all that and we have a beautiful relationship but my 24 year old son still will not speak to me..Now ive been everything from a massage therapist to a teacher to a receptionist...been to jail which has greatly hindered my job market..twas my fault but its been 15 years, at 56 years old my job was downsized and my room mate informed me he was moving to s in pittsburgh thinking hmmm what to do? My daughter said, mom follow your dream you always wanted to live in its open for you to only live last year I sold everything I owned and flew here on hardly any money, found room to rent., got involved in community theatrfe, joined a church, got a job all within 2 reason I want my story put out there...depression and suicide are so prevaliant with people my age especially if you are alone,,,well I did this journey of 200o miles on my own and everything else I had to do also...yes I get depressed and tired of doing I myself but I choose to stay positive and go on . Being 57 sometimes I feel im old and life is almost over but I choose again to stay active and passionate about something positive my choice is music ,,love grunge I still mosh an stage dive,,,well I hope you you get my meaning and tht we may speak....maybe a make my daughter keeps telling me its not 1991 mom!!!!!! THANK YOU Jean Capretti 412 537 9423 633 Bay St Apt 207 Port Orchard Washington 98366 I look forward to hearing from you The help I would love is a vehicle I am capable of making a living so I would appreciate if ther was a way you could help me to get a vehicle so I may continue this journey of my life.....Thank you peace
ReplyDeleteGreetings. My name is Whitney Hicks. I graduated from college earlier this year, obtaining my associates degree in psychology in Mississippi and packed up what little I had and took a leap of faith moving to Washington in late August to be with my now Amazing wife.I traveled on a bus for 4 long and at times hungry journey with the gracious help of my church. My wife drove 12 hours in her old car to meet me and she did but the car died after she got to the station. More grace thrown our way and a couple drove us all the way home but right now holidays are here and we need transportation. We have 4 young children (youngest 6yrs) suffors from a poor immune system and have several dr visits a month. This would help us get there safely and not wait for long cold bus rides. Pleasehelp our situation and praying that we get a car. (360)789-0691
Hello,we are family of 3 and livinget off one income with all 3 of us having medical needs for speech depression anxiety panic,ibs,therapy for son and mother.medical bills are sky high and cannot afford a vehicle to get my son and myself to doctors appointments. I suffer from panic due to child molestation. We have doctors appointments weekly and can't get there safely. I have not had a vehicle in 4 years Due to medical bills. A car would make my doctor visits for all of us so much easier. And my panic would be relieved a little bit.
ReplyDeleteHello there,
ReplyDeleteI am a 24 year old in desperate need of a vehicle. I have two step sons that go back and fourth from our house to there mothers, there father and my husband has multiple sclerosis. Between transferring the boys and trying to make it to doctors appointments on a very limited budget can be beyond stressful.I am trying to go back to school to open up a business but without a vehicle my dream is being put on husband having Ms can't always work a normal job for the required hours. Not being able to work and not being able to provide a car for his family has made him feel less of a man, this causing him to be depressed on top of everything else is not easy to deal with mentally. Not having a car is .the stress this is causing my family is slowly tearing us apart. Please we ask for your help in any way shape or form. Thank you for your time and God bless you all
We hope to hear from you
Hello there,
ReplyDeleteI am a 24 year old in desperate need of a vehicle. I have two step sons that go back and fourth from our house to there mothers, there father and my husband has multiple sclerosis. Between transferring the boys and trying to make it to doctors appointments on a very limited budget can be beyond stressful.I am trying to go back to school to open up a business but without a vehicle my dream is being put on husband having Ms can't always work a normal job for the required hours. Not being able to work and not being able to provide a car for his family has made him feel less of a man, this causing him to be depressed on top of everything else is not easy to deal with mentally. Not having a car is .the stress this is causing my family is slowly tearing us apart. Please we ask for your help in any way shape or form. Thank you for your time and God bless you all
We hope to hear from you
Hello there,
ReplyDeleteI am a 24 year old in desperate need of a vehicle. I have two step sons that go back and fourth from our house to there mothers, there father and my husband has multiple sclerosis. Between transferring the boys and trying to make it to doctors appointments on a very limited budget can be beyond stressful.I am trying to go back to school to open up a business but without a vehicle my dream is being put on husband having Ms can't always work a normal job for the required hours. Not being able to work and not being able to provide a car for his family has made him feel less of a man, this causing him to be depressed on top of everything else is not easy to deal with mentally. Not having a car is .the stress this is causing my family is slowly tearing us apart. Please we ask for your help in any way shape or form. Thank you for your time and God bless you all
We hope to hear from you
ReplyDeleteI would like to know how to apply for a free car. I had a car that had 261,000 miles on it and a good paying job.
While my car was still running great, I went on vacation for 2 weeks to visit my parents in pahrump Nevada. While I was there, my car died permanently and I was stuck there for a month and a half. I thought I could go back to Seattle and rent a car weekly until I saved enough money to buy a car. I borrowed $300 from my ex-husband and came home. My Dad paid for the first week of the car rental and I worked 7 days that week. When I went to pay for another week for the rental car, I found out it's $240 per week! I cannot afford that, I wouldn't be able to save for a car and I would probably starve. Needless to say I had to quit my house cleaning business that I have been doing since 1999 because I don't have a car. I was making good money, but not enough to pay my bills, food and rent and save for a car, while renting a car for over $1000.00 a month. I really need a car so I can get back to work and start saving for a car. I would be willing to return the car as well, once I have saved roughly $3000, so that someone in a situation like myself could use it or have it as well. Please help me apply for a free car.
Thank you for your time
Sarita Dates
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ReplyDeleteI was diagnosed with lupus over 17years ago and my ex fiance has been stealing my pain meds and framing my son. About 3 weeks ago I found out he had my whole prescription and tried to blame my son again,I told him I knew it wasn't him and he was going to shoot my son and me and then himself. His son got us out of the house and got the shotgun away from him. I was with this man for 6 years, he stole the motor out of my sons truck and put in a motor from a junkyard, I found out 2 days after all that happened when I was at my doctor and the motor blew up. My email address is
ReplyDeleteWe helped somany single mom in Seattle and Washington State for free car under Free Charity Car Program. We still accepting request of single mom. free cars for single mothers Just apply it
ReplyDeleteGood Evening~ My Name is Nita . I’ve decided to ask for help on behalf of my DaughterS Gia Alexzandrea and LillYauna . Gia was born in 2015 with a very rare cancer called infantile fibro sarcoma. I planned everything perfect to a T ... or so I thought. The day after she was born she was rushed to UC Davis hospital and even though they said I couldn’t drive I got up from mi c section recovery bed and drove my new 2003 Chevy trailblazer that I bought 4 days before the c section and on the way it over heated .... the worst feeling in the world knowing I had no reliable transportation to take her to where ever she needed. ... So we kept ona trucking and just kept trying to fix the blazer in between chemo appts and everything. Long story short I was sold a lemon and was 1yr shy of meeting the lemon law qualifications and was out of luck. We kept on and made it thru 2yrs and so much progress in her battle with this stupid cancer and finally she had a break !! I was so proud of her !! We got to live our lives. .... but as life likes to be fiesty....another untimely situation occurred in our home and I had to make the right decision to leave state back here to WA at my parents house to get away from an on going abusive relationship that I refuse to even acknowledge during all that Gia was going through. But I made it. I brought Gia to Seattle Childrens hospital 2yrs ago and we’re finally getting back on our feet . We started reconstruction on Gias pelvic bone about 6months ago and have 2 of the 4 planned surgeries to go. After all this is done I want to start my business that I’ve been planning and working on for the last decade (when I’ve had a few min to myself to write a recipe or finish my business plan). My children deserve the best. And I plan on giving it to them ... so with all of that being said. I am here asking for help. A vehicle of my own again to be able to take my 3 girls anywhere on the weekend and enjoy this amazing state in between .. and as well as all of these weekly physical therapy sessions. Surgeries. Post op appts. And soon to be volley ball (plus can I just say how excited I am to be able to be in my 11yr old twins social life more ... I never could commit cause of all the drs appts .. and now I’m finally able to!!(lol this last part has nothing to do with my asking for help !! I guess it was just a thought that went thru my thumbs. )
ReplyDeleteSo. Thank you if you’ve even managed to read this far. And thank you for helping a person in need....Even if it isn’t me and my family. This is a great site. xxXxox Nita Soto.
Hi my name is alisa horgan and my car just gave out and i need a car to help my boyfriend get his son to and from day care i also need a car to get to and from work i have a job thats willing to hire me i just need a car to start the job and mine gave out on me and i dont have money for repairs or a new one so if you could tell me how i could get one of your free cars that would be great my email is
ReplyDeleteHey! I would be thankful if I can get a vehicle, I'm staying in a homeless shelter , I need to get from an back to work everyday . I'm currently using my bike to do food delivery please give me a call 2064685475 or email me thank you so much