I'll be sharing a lot of information, news and tips about Free Charity Cars here, as my little way to help get the word out. If you need a car this is -definitely- something you should check out. If you know someone that could use this information, please let them know. If you have a car you'd like to donate somewhere, this is a great charity, and I'd recommenced calling hem. They'll even pick it up for free. If you like what they do and can afford it, donate, even ten dollars can add up and make a difference in the life of someone who really needs it.
Would you like to see some of the cars they have, waiting to go to a good home?

You got it, they actually give away -decent- cars that actually run....unlike my last clunker which is now driving the great parkway in the sky.
The first thing you should do, weather you'd like to apply, donate, or just help out by voting for worthy applicants is to visit the site. You can click below to see my profile on free charity cars, and from there you can join.
On the left side of the page you'll see a sign in box, with a sign up tab to the right. All you'll need to put in at that point is your name and an email, a user name and a password. I'll guide you through the rest of the process in another post, but it's really very easy. It's also fun- a lot like facebook or myspace- it's a social network of people helping people make their dreams come true.
If you're just hearing about this now, please put my user name " NicoletteFox " in as your sign-up sponsor. I get a little extra "good karma" for spreading the word, which will help me get closer to having a car again. I really appreciate it! Make sure to friend me if you join, so I can check your profile out and send a daily vote your way.

hi! love your blog! good job,charlotte
ReplyDeleteYay! You popped my comment box! :-) That means this is now a "real" blog. LOL. Thank you. I'm trying to put something together that will show off FCC as a charity, and may interest both people who could use a free car as well and folks just looking to support a good cause. Let me know if you have any ideas! :-)